Vilkritis attaches great importance to sustainability and promotes responsible, conscious and moderate consumption. In 2012, the company developed ColibriPlast, a unique line of products designed to give all types of plastics their desired properties and colours. The production of ColibriPlast is constantly being improved by applying cutting-edge technology, investing in research, and responding to changing consumer needs.
ColibriPlast is a unique line of products designed to give all types of plastics their desired properties and colours.
All orders, regardless of their size and cost, are executed quickly and carefully. The products meet the quality, safety, and hygiene requirements applied by global manufacturers. Vilkritis has a certified laboratory, conducts research, produces a big amount of test product and gives recommendations, so that every customer can rest assured that they are getting personal attention and are offered the product that is best suited to their requirements and the needs of the project.
The concept of ColibriPlast is expressed by the trademarked hummingbird, which is colourful, agile, small, hard-working, and memorable. In designing and manufacturing these products, the company strives to pay special attention to people, nature, and the entire surrounding environment.
Fillers are used in pipe, film, and other polymer recycling processes. These are calcium carbonate or talc masterbatches, which can be a great solution to improve the mechanical properties of the product, reduce deformation and cut production costs, while maintaining high quality.
The distinctiveness of Vilkritis is the choice of a filler that best suits the production process and the product, according to the customer’s assignment or product requirements. If necessary, a new, unique formulation is designed, some amount of test product is made, testing is conducted in the in-house laboratory and the customer is given recommendations. Fillers can also be used in products that come into direct contact with food.
The basket of ColibriPlast products contains the Colibri ROTO product group, designed exclusively for rotary moulding. These products are powders of different fractions, the formulation of which is selected and developed according to individual projects: the needs for UV stabilisation, density, colour strength and durability, and other functional additives are all taken into account. The use of Colibri ROTO allows for producing thinner and lighter yet highly resistant large-sized items: underground tanks, drinking water tanks as well as commercial, industrial and agricultural tanks with capacities of 20,000–80,000 litres.
The powders can be:
- natural;
- of individual colours;
- with special effects;
- black (soot-free formulations are possible);
- with foaming properties.